Reflection: House of 1000 Mirrors
Long ago in a small, far away village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors...
You tune yourself in to a certain frequency and call what you see this world.
Self-Awareness: 3 Strategies for Becoming more Self-aware | Tasha Eurich
What is my feeling when I receive feedback from others ?
Are we truly aware of anger, sorrow, happiness, or are we perhaps aware of them only once they have passed ?
Focus: Getting Started
The secret of getting ahead is getting started...
Social Intelligence: Daniel Coleman and Emotional Intelligence
How often am I aware of the connection with others ?
There is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
“Happiness is understandable, obtainable and Teachable.”
Mindset: 常霖法師一分鐘心靈齋湯 -「放下」
What is the new learning at the moment ?